Boxe Francaise (French Boxing)/Savate
Timing, distance, precision, fluidity and footwork techniques.
Service Description
Before la Boxe Française was officially founded by Charles Lecour in 1838, two main stream systems of empty hand combat were already very popular; La ‘Savate’ and Le ‘Chausson’. Savate was a unique form of street fighting system using all part of the body for striking, while chausson a more mild system is, for the most part, the ancestor of the sport of Boxe Francaise. They were both being taught for self-defense. Due to his defeat during a friendly sparring match with Owen Swift, a famous English prize fighter and author of several books on the subject, Charles Lecour came up with the clever idea to combine chausson and Savate with English boxing, and created la boxe Française. Boxe Française is a subset of La Savate. So, why would a martial artist be interested in studying Boxe Française? The answer: Boxe Française develops attributes not necessarily emphasized in Savate. Timing, distance, precision, fluidity, and footwork are the foundation of the art of Boxe Française, which Bruce Lee understood. After reading the Black Belt March 1967 issue, he immediately rendered 3 of the pictures as drawings in his notes the Tao of Jeet Kune Do. I agree w/ my Professor Salem Assli, Boxe Française Savate as it is known today should be part of the training of all martial artists especially kickboxers, MMA fighters and therefore all serious researchers of Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do. Join us for a dynamic and complete striking art essential for self defense.
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To cancel or reschedule a class please contact us 24 hours before your class time.
Contact Details
201 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA, USA