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Juniors Martial Art (Ages 8-15)

  • 6 Steps


The Juniors Martial Art program is based on fundamental skill development tools form a variety of martial art training methods (including but not limited to: Hapkido, Wing Chun, Kali, Capoeira, Tai Chi, Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, Boxe Francaise Savate, Jiujitsu) that reward your child regardless of physical ability or athleticism. We believe martial art training is a cornerstone for personal development and enhances a child’s ability to learn mentally and grow physically. Providing your child with early tools for improving fine and gross motor skills builds their self-confidence, while furthering social, psychological and physical development. Incremental rewards (i.e. belts) are built into the program but not rewarded based on participation or competition. Instead our program allows Juniors to earn rewards at their own pace of growth development and comprehension from beginner through Junior Black Belt.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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